Sumatraa Interlink Resources
Supply Sambal Daging Dendeng for Retailer and Agents. Benefit of the products :- Ready to Eat (100g/pack)- Expiry up to 6 months - 1 year- Travel Friendly Food- Economical pack, space convenient- Homemade Cook (Original Taste mix with Sambal Recipes) A useful and life saver especially for working people, students and agents who looking for Foodbank items. SAMBAL DAGING DENDENG WITH THE REAL ORIGINALITY OF AROMA DAGING DENDENG !!! Why?? The smell will kick your appetizing The taste definitely same as mom's cooking !! Affordable pricing Using it as simple as ONE, TWO, THREE By your truly SAMBAL DAGING DENDENG by SAMBALZ OTG!!! Only RIP and EAT
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